This is who I am. This is what I love.

    My name is Lea. I love to create. I love art. I love to draw. I love the feeling I get after finishing a project no matter how big or small. I love making things with my own two hands. I love being a mommy and a wife. I love life! 
    I am the mother of a beautiful little boy, the wife of an amazing man, and the lover of a two year old chocolate lab. I love them to death and they support me in everything that I do. I would be lost without them. Southern Oregon is where I call home, and I love it here. Unspeakable beauty surrounds me every day, and although sometimes I take it for granted, it is truly inspiring to me.
    I am an aesthetician at a local salon part time. If I'm not working, I spend my days with my family. However, when they go to bed, I work on my crafts. I am the dictionary definition of a night owl. I don't fully understand why i am most productive in the wee hours of the night, but I am. Maybe it's the incredible silence in the house. Maybe it's simply the fact I don't have a little munchkin running around wreaking havoc. Whatever it is, it is my time. I spread all of my things out on the living room floor, and with no interruptions, I create.
    I started crocheting several years ago, but I couldn't quite find the time to make anything more than a few scarfs here and there. It wasn't until I found out that I was going to have a baby that my hands really started working their magic. I wanted my little angel to have more hats and blankets than he would know what to do with. As with so many things, word began to spread, and I was suddenly in over my poor little pregnant head. I had requests for blankets for friends who were expecting as well. On top of that I was making more scarfs and hats for holidays gifts. And then came baby, bringing everything to a screeching halt.
    I spent the next few months being mommy and nothing else. It was incredible. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than to be a parent. I absolutely love it. Not to say it's always easy, but I truly enjoy every minute.
    As things settled down around our household, out came my craft boxes. I started to get that itch, that insatiable desire to do create something beautiful. It was mid summer and I just felt the need to wear flowers in my hair almost every day. I started dissecting every flower clip I owned trying to figure out how I could make them myself. I realized that I could make whatever style, color, size, or material I wanted. Ah, I felt so free. It seemed like everywhere I went people were commenting on my flowers and asking where they could get one for themselves or a friend. So I started selling the flowers practically right off of my head. I could barely keep up with demand, it was great.